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Producing Documents
Production Basics
Sharing Productions in GoldFynch
Sorting Production Files in Chronological / Alphabetical Order in GoldFynch
Produce Documents with GoldFynch (Production Exports in GoldFynch)
What are Native Files and how do they affect my productions?
Types of Productions
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Advanced Production Tools
Production logs, and cross referencing produced files with the original file
Ordering Files inside Productions in GoldFynch for Bates numbering
Placement of Bates Stamps/Bates Numbering in Your Produced Files
Using and Placing Tag and Custom Stamps in Your Productions
Removing files in bulk from productions in GoldFynch using the Negate tag function
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Specialized Productions, Exporting Data, and Printing
Printing documents in bulk from your GoldFynch case using the Production feature
Downloading multiple files in one go (Producing documents in bulk for download)
Can I Export a PST from GoldFynch?
Creating a Native Production of an Entire GoldFynch Case
Generate a report of all the errored or unsupported files in your case
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