System tags are tags that GoldFynch adds to files under special circumstances. The two main cases where they are added are: 

  1.  During the automatic processing of files when you upload them to GoldFynch
  2.  During the deduplication process


During the automatic processing of files

These system tags are generally added to warn the user of an error, corruption, or a potential issue with an incoming file. In these cases, GoldFynch is often still able to successfully render the data. The addition of the tag lets the user know that they may have an issue if opening/using the file outside GoldFynch, or that the data was acquired despite some issue. The system tags currently used are: 

  • Corrupted file - rendered in extract mode: During automatic processing on upload, when GoldFynch encounters a corrupted Mircosoft Excel file it cannot process and render, it attempts to open it using Excel's 'repair' mode. If it cannot, it attempts to directly extract cell content. When this occurs, this system tag is added to the file to notify the user that a corruption exists, and any rendered information was obtained by extracting data

  • Corrupted file - rendered in repair mode: This tag is automatically added to a Microsoft Excel file when it has a corruption and cannot be regularly processed, and its information has to be obtained using Excel's 'repair' mode
    Microsoft Excel error message when there is a corruption in the file
  • Rendered with repaired image: Sometimes EMF/WMF formatted images of Microsoft Word documents fail to print or "save to PDF" even when they can be opened and viewed without issue. GoldFynch can still process these files, but this tag is added to such files as a warning to users that some of the images may appear slightly different in our rendering (normally just some color or background color differences) and that the native file may not be printable/exportable if opened with Microsoft Word

  • Unrenderable hidden worksheet: GoldFynch attempts to force-unhide and render any hidden worksheets. But sometimes a hidden worksheet can be password protected so it can't be unhidden. In that situation, GoldFynch adds this tag

  • Unusable as provided: Sometimes eDiscovery software improperly detects file types, or treats binary files as plain text files, resulting in document productions containing very long and essentially useless document renderings of nonsense text (e.g., a CAD drawing in STEP format may be treated as a plain text file, and provided as thousands of TIFF images of the raw STEP file text). In some situations, GoldFynch can detect these types of files in incoming document productions, and it adds this tag to indicate the provided rendering is likely, not usable, and a native may need to be requested

  • UUEncoded attachment: UUEncoding is an old (and now quite rare) method of attaching files to emails by placing the attachment in a plain text format directly in the message body. Opening the native email in a program like Outlook will not show the encoded attachment data. GoldFynch, however, detects these attachments and extracts them as separate files, adding this tag to notify users.


During the deduplication process

The DUPE tag is added to files when you run the deduplication process. This system tag is added to all files designated as 'dupes' and can be used for numerous functions in combination with GoldFynch's other systems. You can find some examples of these in our How-to Guides