The GoldFynch mailing system will let you know in case there were any issues related to the delivery of emails regarding the sharing of a case, organization, or production. 

Resolving an email error encountered while sharing a case or organization

While sharing a case or adding a new member to an organization if an email error is encountered an email notification is sent to the owner of the case regarding the failed delivery. Additionally, an email error icon will be displayed against the email address that has an issue. You can hover over the email icon to view the details of the error. Then you can rectify the error and try to share the case or organization again.

Share email error notification

Resolving an email error encountered while sharing a production

In case there is an issue with the email address while sharing a production an email notification is sent to the owner of the case regarding the failed delivery. Additionally, an email error icon will be visible against the production in the Requested Production tab. 

Share email error notification in the production view

To view the details of the error you will need to navigate to the Production Sharing screen overlay. To access the production sharing screen overlay click on the Sharing option in the popup menu that is visible when you click on the ... button