When producing documents using the Production Wizard, you can choose to "stamp" documents with text or Bates numbers. Here is how to make the stamps read "Confidential" and apply it to files you wish to mark as such.

First, you'll need to assign the same tag to all the documents you want to stamp. 

GoldFynch by default has a "Confidential" Quick Tag to make this easier. (Learn more about tagging in general here.)

Then, use the Production Wizard to create a production and stamp the documents

Follow the steps of production and make the following selections:


Step 2 of the Production Wizard - Document Selection

When selecting tags to include in the production, make sure you select the tag you used for your confidential documents.

Step 3 of the Production Wizard - Production Output

When selecting a format for your production, make sure you do not select a "Natives only" format, as these formats do not support stamping. (Find out more about native files here.)

Step 6 of the Production Wizard - Select tag placement for production

Select the position for the Confidential stamp. To do so, click on the placement dropdown against the tag and select which part of the documents you would like the stamp to appear on.

Select the position for the Confidential Stamp

In the image shown above, the position for the "CONFIDENTIAL" stamp has been selected as bottom-center. So all the documents for this production that have the "CONFIDENTIAL" tag will be stamped with the text "CONFIDENTIAL" at the bottom-center of each page


  • By default, when you apply a tag as a stamp, the text stamped on the document is the name of the tag. If you used a tag other than the "CONFIDENTIAL" tag to stamp your documents, you can still change this text during step 6 by clicking on the pencil icon against the tag you wish to use, and setting the text to be stamped to "Confidential"
  • If your tag doesn't appear during step 6 as an option, it means that none of the files you selected in step 2 have the tag applied to them. Make sure to check that you tagged your files and that you selected the tag in step 2