An MD5 hash value is a simple text string that serves as digital 'signatures' of files. Click here for more information regarding file hash values.

There are certain use cases where downloading all of the file hashes within a case is necessary. One example is conducting searches via file hash to compare "Case A" to "Case B". This is a guide on how to download all of the file hashes that appear within a case.

Step 1: Navigate to the "Reports" page by clicking the "Reports" button along the left navigation menu.

Step 2: Click the "New Report" Button, located in the top right of the "Reports" page.

Navigate to the 'Reports' view and click on the +New Report button

Step 3: Select the "Type" of report and name the report. Once a name has been entered, click "Create Report". By default, this will export in a ".xlsx" (Excel) format.

NOTE: By default, "File listing - All files" will be selected. If you want to limit your report to only certain files, select "Tag" or "Advanced Saved Search".

"New report" dialog box, highlighting "Create Report" button.

Step 4: Wait for the report to process. The time required will vary, depending on the number of documents and the size of the report, but most reports are processed within a couple of minutes.

Report generation in progress.

Step 5: Download your report by clicking the "Download" button after the report is fully processed. The "Download" button will only appear when the report processing is complete.

Download button for file hash report.

Step 6: Open your report in Excel. If you do not have Excel installed, the file can also be uploaded into Google Drive and viewed in Google Sheets for free (Gmail account required).

Step 7: Find the MD5 Hash Column, by default this will be in column "L".

MD5 Hash spreadsheet column.

Step 8 (optional): Remove duplicates from this list. This can be done in the following ways:


Google Sheets: Click the "Data" drop-down menu, and select "Remove Duplicates" while highlighting all of the "MD5 Hash" column.

Highlighting remove duplicates option under "Data".

"Remove Duplicates" dialog box.

This list of file hashes can be used to compare multiple cases and identify files that appear in both. For more information on conducting this search, click here.