Tagging all your search results

1. Perform your required search.

2. Click on the checkbox next to the search query box to select all the search results.
Select all the search results by clicking the checkbox next to the query

(Optional) If you would like to unselect any of the listed files so as to exclude them from the tagging, click on the checkboxes next to their names

3. Click on the '+Tag' button in the action pane that appears on the right of your screen

4. Type out a new, unique tag name in the text box

5. Click on the tag when it appears below the box

6. Choose if you want the tag to be applied to only the items themselves or to the entire family of each item.

7. Click on the 'Apply' button

Choose whether to tag other files in the file families of the selected files

Producing the tagged files

1. Click on the 'Productions' button in the left pane to access the Productions view.

2. Click on the 'Start Production Wizard' button.

Navigate to the productions view and click on the Start Production Wizard button

3. Enter a name for the production. Then click on the 'Next: Document selection' button.
Enter a name for the production and click on Next

4. Click on the tag you created. You can search for it by typing into the search bar if needed. Then click on the 'Next: Production Output' button.

Click on the tag you created and click on Next

5. Continue with the production process from Step 3 of the Production Wizard (Production Output) selecting the options you require for your production.

NOTE: You can alternatively create a production from a saved advanced search. To do so, create a saved searchthen select the name of the saved search from the list in Step 2 of the Production Wizard (4. above), instead of selecting a tag. Saved searches are listed as such under the "Type" header, as shown in the image below.