To view the parameters used in creating a production, follow these steps:
Step 1. Go to the 'Requested Productions' tab of the ‘Productions’ view.
Step 2. Click on the '...' button against the production whose parameter summary you wish to view.
Step 3. Click on the Parameters option in the popup menu
NOTE: If your production isn’t visible, click on the ‘Submitted’ heading column to sort by the date of submission until the one at the top is the required production.
The information provided in the summary includes:
- The query according to which files were included in the case (in the 'Selection Query' section)
- Production format
- Sort order
- Tags that have been placed, along with their locations and placement priorities
- The Bates number range

NOTE: Summaries for productions created before the production parameter summary feature was implemented may not have all their data displayed.