You can delete files and folders from your GoldFynch case. Note that users at the ‘Reviewer’ and 'User' permission levels are not able to delete files.

Step 1. Click on the Files view button in the left pane and navigate to the location of the files or folders you wish to delete.

Step 2. Select the files and/or folders to be deleted by checking the checkboxes next to their names. 


  • You can select multiple items
  • Check the checkbox next to the ‘Name’ heading to select all files and folders in the current directory

Go to the Files view and select files to delete

Step 3. Click on the 'Delete' button in the ‘Actions’ menu that appears on the right, then confirm the deletion by clicking on the 'Delete' button in the overlay that appears.

Confirm the deletion

NOTE: Once deleted, files and folders (and all files within folders) are permanently removed from your case. All information stored by GoldFynch that is assigned to the deleted items (e.g. tags, tag notes, custodians and sources, etc.) is removed along with them.