To upload search terms in bulk using the Advanced Search view, see this article.

If you already have a search query set up with logical operators, it is easier to run it from the search bar. To do so, follow the steps laid out in the article below.

Step 1. Forming your query

First, paste your existing search query into a simple text editing software like Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac)

Then, prefix "OR body CONTAINS" to each keyword (for the first keyword omit the "OR"). This means that if the file contains even one of the keywords it will show up as a result. 

For example, if the list of keywords contains "obligation", "compensation", and "work" the query would be:

body CONTAINS obligation OR body CONTAINS compensation OR body CONTAINS work

Form your query in a plain text editor

Alternatively, replace "OR" with "AND" if you want multiple terms all to be satisfied by a file for it to show up as a search result.

You can also use NOT (aka 'INVERT') if you require your files not to contain any instances of a keyword.

Finally, you can group terms together using brackets. 

(body CONTAINS obligation AND body CONTAINS compensation) NOT body CONTAINS work

IMPORTANT: If you wish to search for a phrase, not a keyword, enter the phrase in brackets.

body CONTAINS "compensation for work"

Step 2. Entering your query into GoldFynch

Once you are done building your query, copy-paste it into GoldFynch's search bar as shown in the image below. It doesn't matter if there are line breaks in the query you paste, GoldFynch will automatically remove those.

Paste your search query into the GoldFynch search bar

GoldFynch will let you know if a query's syntax is correct

If there are any errors in the formatting, GoldFynch's syntax checker will point them out and will indicate which part of the query the error is in (with the ^ symbol under the query, pointing at the beginning of the erroneous element.) 

If there is an error in your query's syntax, GoldFynch will point it out

In this example, there is no connector after the word "compensation" so GoldFynch is flagging the following word to indicate it was expecting a connector like "AND" or "OR"

Once you are done updating your query, hit the return key to run the search. The search should only take a couple of seconds to complete.

NOTE: The 'body' parameter searches through the entire content of each document for your query's keywords. There are many other parameters available to search with though. You can find a list of all available parameters in GoldFynch's User Manual.

Step 3. Saving your search

Once the results are displayed, if you wish, you can save this search query for future use. To do so: 

Click on the edit query icon

1. Click on the edit (pencil) icon in the top-left corner of your screen, to the immediate left of the search query

2. Click on the "Overwrite Query" button. This will open the query in the 'Advanced Search' view.

3. Click on the "Untitled, click here to rename [ unsaved ]" text

4. Enter a name for the search and click on the arrow button

5. Click on the 'Save' button to save the search. The [unsaved] text to the far right of the bar will disappear once the search is saved. 

You and all collaborators on the case can then load and run the search from this view by clicking on the folder icon (to the left of the Save button) and selecting the search

Learn more about constructing advanced search queries and using other parameters to search with here

Learn more about saving and loading search queries here