While producing your files, GoldFynch gives you the option of using tags, and custom text, in addition to Bates Stamps, to stamp your documents. Note that Bates stamps, tag stamps, and custom stamps can only be placed on non-native documents.

Here's how to stamp your produced documents using tags and custom stamps:

1. Follow the steps of production (click here for a detailed guide on producing files) till you reach Step 6: Select tag placement for production 

2. Click on the drop-down menu on the right side of the screen against the tags you wish to use as stamps, and select one of the available options:

  • top-left
  • top-center
  • top-right
  • bottom-left
  • bottom-center
  • bottom-right
  • no-placement

Select the tags and their placement and click on next

If there are any conflicts in placement, you have the following options:

  • Change the priority of the tag you wish to be prioritized to a higher value. If a file has both tags assigned, only the tag of higher priority will be applied
  • Change the assigned location of the tag

3. Click on the "Next" button

4. Proceed to Step 8 and enter the starting number of your Bates Number if you wish to assign one, along with a prefix if you want one added before the number

5. Click on the "Produce" button

Adding Custom Stamps:

In addition to applying stamps based on tags to documents, you can assign custom tags to all non-native documents in the production (mimicking the behavior of Bates Stamps)

  • To add a custom stamp, click on the "+ Add Custom Stamp" button and enter the text you would like stamped on the documents.
  • To delete a custom stamp, click on the 'X' button that appears next to the edit button of an already-created custom stamp

Adding page margins:

If your documents already have content in their margins, you can add additional margin space to prevent the overlap of the new tags that are applied.

  • To add extra margin space, check the "Add page margins for stamps." box

Editing Stamp Text:

By default, when applying tag stamps, the name of the tag is applied as the stamp. However, you can edit the text that is stamped on the documents. 

For example, in the image of the "Select tag placement for production" step given above, documents with the GOLDFYNCH tag will have "GoldFynch Documents" stamped on them.

  • To edit the text that is stamped on tagged documents, click on the edit icon (the pencil) against a tag where it displays "Appears as <tag name>"

A few things to note:

  1. You cannot apply tag stamps, custom stamps, or the Bates Numbers as stamps to native documents
  2. If there is a conflict between the assignment for placement of the Bates Stamp with any tag or custom stamps, the Bates Stamp will always be given the highest priority (it has a fixed priority of 100)
  3. If you want to disable Bates Stamp, tag stamp, or custom stamp placement, you can do so by selecting the "no-placement" option
  4. If you see tags other than the ones you selected in Step 2 (Select tags for production) appear on this screen, this is because some of the files you chose also had these tags assigned to them. If you don’t want these tags to appear as stamps, assign them the ‘no-placement’ option as described below. If you don’t want files with these tags in your production, make sure you select them as ‘inverted’ tags in Step 2.

You can learn more about Bates Stamping in detail in this article.