Creating the production

To create a JPEG/color production using GoldFynch, follow the regular steps of the Production Wizard, and during step 3, select the JPEG format.

To begin, click the 'Production' icon from the left navigation panel, then click the 'Start Production Wizard' button. 

Step 1 of the Production Wizard: Give the production a name

Step 2 of the Production Wizard: Select the tags or saved searches you want to use in your production and click on "Next: Production output"

Step 3 of the Production Wizard: 

  1. Select 'Load file /database format' 
  2. Choose either 'Minimal or user-specified natives' or 'All natives'
  3. Select the 'JPEG' option 

To use a saved custom load file control parameter profile (which can be used to add information like "tags" and "file paths" to the load file), select your saved profile from the drop-down menu. Learn more about custom control parameter profiles here.

Select a load file format with minimal natives and JPEG option

Once all of your selections have been made, click "Next: Native files" and follow the rest of the steps of production as usual.

Step 4 of the Production Wizard: Select any files/file types that are to be produced in their native format.

Step 5 of the Production Wizard: Select your production item sorting order and click ":Next: Tags and custom stamps placement". 

Step 6 of the Production Wizard: Select any Bates or tag stamping locations for these files. By default, the only selection that will be enabled is Bates stamping in the "bottom-right" location

Once you have made your Bates and tag stamping selections, scroll down and click "Next: Redaction options"

Step 7 of the Production Wizard: Select your desired redaction settings then click "Next: Bates numbering options". These settings will only be used if redactions exist in your production.

Step 8 of the Production Wizard: Enter your Bates number sequencing and click "Next: File naming options". If left blank, this will default to using "1" as the first Bates number, which will be used for the file names. 

Step 9 of the Production Wizard: Click "Next: Finalize and submit production" as load file productions are always named according to their Bates numbers.

Step 10 of the Production Wizard: Review any checks that have failed at this time. 

Once you have reviewed all the checks and if everything looks good, click 'Produce despite errors' 

For details on the steps of production, click here.

Some points to note about JPEG/color productions

  • JPEGs are larger than TIFF files, so this may lead to larger production sizes than a TIFF production for the same files
  • Documents will be produced as single-page color JPEGs for all supported file types
  • Documents that cannot be produced as JPEGs will be produced natively
  • The file name will contain the Bates number assigned to the item. This includes files that are produced natively
  • JPEGs are placed under the IMAGES directory