When you make productions using GoldFynch, new versions of the files are created specifically for the production based on the specified format. e.g. in a TIFF production, TIFF files are created, and when Bates stamps are used, produced files will have the Bates number stamped onto them.
With Document Kits, you can choose specific files that have such "produced" versions and download them in bulk based on criteria like tags, advanced searches, etc. You can even specify which produced version of a file you need if the file is included in more than one production.
You can also produced versions of files found in productions that were imported into GoldFynch.
Creating a Document Kit
Step 1. Begin creating the Document Kit
1. Click on the "Reports & Document Kit" button in the left navigation panel
2. Click on the "+ New Document Kit" icon in the top-right corner of the screen
3. Enter a name for the Document Kit
Step 2. Choose how you want to select files to be included in the Document Kit
You can choose whether you want to include files by:
- Bates number ranges (used when considering files from the perspective of the finished productions,)
- By tag/saved search (useful when you are looking to find produced versions of specific documents that you have tagged during review or created a saved search for)
- All documents in your GoldFynch case (select this option under the "By tag/saved search" tab)
By Bates Number
1. Click on the "By Bates" tab
2. Click on the "+Add Bates range" button
3. From the drop-down menu, either select "" (no prefix) to enter a range of Bates numbers that don't have a prefix, or select one of the available prefixes listed, if any are present, to enter a range of files that have that prefix (e.g. if there are files produced with Bates numbers AB001, AB002, AB003, etc. then "AB" will be available as an option in the drop-down menu)
- Use the "+Add Bates range" to add more ranges of files with different prefixes
- Padding with 0s will not be taken into account for Bates ranges, so files with ranges of 1, 2, 3... etc. 01, 02, 03, etc. and 00001, 00002, 00003, etc. will all show up as options. You will be able to specify which of these you want to include in the Document Kit in the next step
- If the same prefix is used in multiple productions, this will be mentioned under the box with the text "Available in X productions:"
By Tag/Saved Search/All Documents
1. Click on the "By tag/saved search" tab
2. Either select "Everything" to create a Document Kit for all documents in your case, or select either "Tag" or "Saved Search", then select a tag/saved search from the drop-down menu
Step 3. Specify how to handle files that have multiple produced versions
If there are files in your selection that have been included in multiple productions, you can select which versions will be included in the Document Kit. Choose from the options:
- All available produced versions
- The most recently produced version of each file
- Specify produced version and priority
Note: All the files that were selected in Step 2 will be included in the Document Kit. Step 3 only helps specify which versions of produced files are included in the Document Kit.
When specifying the produced version and priority
If you select the "Specify produced version and priority" option, you can fine-tune your selection. A list of productions in your case that contain files selected in Step 2 will be displayed, along with the Bates ranges of documents in each production.
- Check the checkbox against a production name to include versions of files from that production
- Click on the
icon against a production and drag its row up or down to rearrange the production and change its priority, with the topmost row being the highest priority. If a file is present in multiple productions, the system will look for the (1) checked, (2) highest-priority production that it is present in and that version will be included in the Document Kit
Step 4. Choose how you want to handle file naming
Select whether you want the names of files in the Document Kit to be with:
- Bates numbering and file name
- Bates numbering only
Note: As stated, files with no Bates numbers (e.g. if you selected "All documents" or included files by tag/advanced search) will appear with their file name and a "NO BATES" prefix regardless of the option selected in this step
Step 5. Select the PDF format for the Document Kit
The options available are:
- One PDF per document
- One PDF per family
- Single, combined PDF sorted by name
- Single, combined PDF sorted by date, with the most recent file first
- Single, combined PDF sorted by date, with the most recent file last
Step 6. Click on the "Analyze Criterion" button to review an overview of the Document Kit
A summary of the Document Kit you are about to create will be generated for review
- Total hits - the number of files from your selection in Step 2
- Total files in output ZIP- the number of files that will be present in the zip, along with the breakdown of where they are from
- From Productions - Files that are present in productions created in GoldFynch
- From imported files - FIles that are from productions that were imported into GoldFynch
- GoldFynch processed - Files that are neither part of productions or imported productions
Note: The numbers on the right divided by a / against the three fields above represent "Images/Natives" i.e. the number of files that are imaged versions (usually produced PDFs) / the number of native versions included
Note: Click on the + button next to a field to get a detailed breakdown.
Step 7. Click on the "Create" button
This will submit your Document Kit for creation, and it will be listed in the "Document Kits" tab of the "Reports & Document Kits" view. Under the "Created" column its status will be "in-progress."
Downloading Document Kits
Wait till the "Completed" status of your Document Kit changes to a date/time - it will now be ready for download.
Click on the "Download" button against the Document Kit to download it.
Renaming Document Kits
Click on the pencil icon against a Document Kit to rename it
Re-use Document Kit parameters
Click on the settings icon against a Document Kit to create a new one using its parameters. You will be able to make changes before submitting it for creation.
Note: When you re-use settings to create a new Document Kit, it will be based on the current state of the case, so if, for example, your old Document Kit was made using a specific tag that has since been deleted, it will deselect the tag and you will need to choose a new one. Similarly, if the Document Kit was made using Bates numbers from a production that you delete, you will not be able to include the produced versions of files from that production any longer.
Deleting Document Kits
Click on the trashcan icon against a Document Kit then click on the "Delete" button in the confirmation window that appears to delete the Document Kit. Note that once deleted, the Document Kit will be removed from your case and you will not be able to recover it. The original files and produced versions will not be affected, however.