A note on archiving cases

Any non-trial GoldFynch case over 6 months old can be archived. To archive a case, click the archive button next to the case name on the "Overview" screen (the screen you see when you open a case). The archive button only becomes visible when the case is eligible for archiving (i.e., over 6 months old and not a demo case). Click here for more information on archiving your case.

How to unarchive a case


Step 1. Log into your GoldFynch account

Step 2. Click on the "Un-archive..." button against the archived case in the case view screen


Click on the "Un-archive" button against the archived case

Step 3. Click on the "Un-archive" button to confirm the unarchiving of the case

A confirmatory message will be displayed to let you know that the process has begun successfully, and the status of the process will be displayed below the case in the case listing (the first page you see when you log into GoldFynch)



  • Archiving and unarchiving a case may take up to 24 hours and cannot be interrupted or canceled.
  • Once the unarchiving process is completed, the unarchived case will be subject to the regular billing plan rate on a prorated basis (i.e. if you unarchive it in the middle of the month, you'll only be paying that case plan's rate for the remainder of the month)


Deleting the case

Once you have unarchived a case, you will be able to delete it if you wish to.

Deleting a case will:

  • Remove all the files in the case from the GoldFynch servers
  • Erase all associated metadata. Metadata included the file tags and redaction you created
  • Remove the case from any shared users account
  • Your account will no longer be charged for the case

Remember once a case is deleted, it is completely wiped off the GoldFynch system and is irrecoverable. 


More information on deleting a case in GoldFynch can be found here.