GoldFynch allows you to create privilege logs using its Reports and Tagging systems. These logs will let you selectively include files, tag names, and tag application notes marked as "privileged." Scroll down to the "Reading privilege logs" section to learn more about the formatting of the logs once they are generated.

Creating a privilege log step-by-step

Step 1. Create privileged tags, and privileged tags that collect application notes

First, you will need to go to the "Tags" view, from where you can:

  • Create privileged tags
  • Add the "privileged" status to existing tags (whether they have tag application notes or not)
  • If you want to include tag application notes, set the tags to collect application notes before you start tagging!
  • Assign default messages to each privileged tag to indicate the type of privilege it conveys. This will default message will be appended to any tag application notes you give that tag. If no new note is added, only the default application note will be added

Step 2. Tag files as privileged, and add privileged tag application notes

Once you have created privileged tags and/or have set tags to collect application notes, you will have to apply them to documents that you want in your privilege logs.

Don't worry if they have other tags associated with them; we'll also cover how to handle extra, unwanted tags. 


You can skip this step if you had already assigned tags/tag application notes to files and only needed to apply the privileged status to those tags (covered in step 1.)

Step 3. Creating a report

  • Go to the "Reports" view via the left navigation panel, click on the "+New Report" button in the top-right corner of your browser window and select the Report Type "File Listing - Tag" 
  • From the list of tags that appear, select the ones you created to denote files' privileged status. 
  • If you want to specifically omit all files that have a specific tag even if they have been marked as privileged (e.g., a tag named "Unredacted"), go ahead and select that tag as well, then click on the 'Invert' option against it (Find out how "inverted" tags work here.)

Add tags that mark the privileged status of files

Step 4. Select settings for the report/privilege log

Now that you've selected the documents to be included, enter a name for the privilege log, then choose what information you want to include. Below are the recommended options for a privilege log that has both privileged tag names and privileged tag application notes:

  • Tag names
    • Only include tag names indicated as privileged on an item 
  • Tag application notes
    • Only include tag application notes from tags indicated as privileged


  • By default, the names of all tags and all tag application notes attached to each file will be included if you do not select the options to only include privileged tags names/application notes
  • It is generally preferable to omit the "Document notes and annotations" option as having it selected will attach  document notes and annotations (not to be confused with tag application notes.)

Include only privileged tags and tag application notes

Also, make sure you select the output format you want. This includes:

  • Microsoft Excel Open XML Format Spreadsheet (*.xlsx)
  • Microsoft Excel Binary Workbook (*.xlsb)
  • Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Spreadsheet (*.xls)
  • OpenOffice/StarOffice Spreadsheet (*.ods)
  • HTML (*.html)
  • Rich Text Format (*.rtf)

Step 5. Downloading the privilege log

Once your privilege log has been generated, you can download it from the "Reports" view.

Reading privilege logs

How information is included

GoldFynch's Reports system lets you selectively include files, tag names, and tag application notes that are marked as "privileged." And since the tagging, annotation, and notes features integrate directly into your existing document review workflow, it saves you from having first to generate a case report, then manually adding or removing information as required.

Compare the reports in the images below. The first has all tag names, tag (application) notes, document notes, and document annotations displayed - not just those of “privileged” tags.)

The many tag and note fields that you can optionally include in your reports

In image below, only the “privileged” tag names and notes are included, so the tags “URGENT,” “REGULAR TAG,” and “NO NOTE TAG” and their notes don’t actually appear anywhere in the report, even though they are attached to many of the included files.

Only privileged tags and notes are displayed in this report.

NOTE: Irrelevant fields have been hidden in the example reports above.

How individual fields are formatted

  • Tag names: If you choose only to include tags that are marked as privileged, non-privileged tags will be omitted. Whether you include all tags or only privileged tags, the "Tags" field will have the format:
[tag 1 name]; [tag 2 name]; [tag 3 name]
  • Tag (application) notes: Similarly to tag names, you can choose to include only privileged tag application notes. All included tag application notes will be in the “Tag notes” field in the format:
[tag 1 name]: [tag 1 application note][tag 2 name]: [tag 2 application note]

Or, if you have set a tag to have default tag application notes appended to them, the format for the “Tag notes” field is:

[tag 1 name]: [default tag application note for tag 1] [entered tag application note for tag 1][tag 2 name]: [default tag application note for tag 2][tag 3 name][tag 3 application note]

The example immediately above is what would happen if tag 1 had both a default tag application note as well as an entered tag application note, tag 2 had only a default tag application note, and tag 3 had no default tag application note.

  • Document notes and annotations: If you have set your report to include notes and/or annotations, the respective fields (“Document Notes” and “Document Annotations”) will be filled with all notes and annotations for the files in the report. Learn more about document notes and annotations here. 
    • The "Document Notes" field will contain all information as-is from the "Document Notes" section of the Document Viewer’s right panel.
    • The "Document Annotations" field will be formatted as:
    [Selected text] - [initial comment]
  • Annotations: Only the initial comment on an annotation will be added
  • Comments on document notes: These will not be included