You can search for a file by entering it's Bates number into the Quick Search bar available at the top of all screens within the GoldFynch application. This search feature is available for Bates numbers created in GoldFynch (productions created in GoldFynch) and for incoming Bates numbers that were provided as a part of a load file production import.

Just type a Bates number into the search bar and wait for a couple of seconds. If there are any files that have matching Bates numbers, they will appear as search suggestions (similar to the production log) alongside the production they are in or the corresponding production import folder, and the corresponding file name in your case. 

For example, in the screenshot below, you can see the Bates highlighted as ABC2329. This is a Bates number that was created in GoldFynch, so the production name "For Review" is listed next to the file name:
Search by Bates numbers directly from the Search Bar

In the screenshot below, you can see the Bates highlighted as PREFIX0012316. This is a Bates number that was imported from the metadata of a load file production import, so the specific "IMPORT" folder containing this file, "Demo Production load file IMPORT", is listed next to the file name.

Search imported Bates number by entering it into the quick search bar.

Note: this screenshot also shows 1 result for "PREFIX0012316" as a phrase within the body text of a file in this case. Typically, this 1 result will be the same file as the matching Bates numbered file below it. This is due to the Bates stamp being OCR'd during file processing, so it is a part of the file's searchable text.