GoldFynch's advanced search system lets you search for a specific term or phrase anywhere in your files irrespective of where it is found (email subject, file content, name, document notes, document annotations, etc. )  with one comprehensive  "content" parameter. Learn how to do so here.

Step 1. Navigate to the 'Advanced Search' view by clicking on the icon in the left navigation panel

Step 2. Click on the 'Create New Search' button
Click on the Create New Search button

Step 3. Click anywhere in the condition box to enter the search criteria

Click on the condition box to edit it

Step 4. Change the 'body' parameter to 'content'

Step 5. Enter the text to be searched for

Select the content parameter and the search term 

Step 6. (Optional) Enter a slop search number if required

Step 7. Click on the 'Execute' search button